Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I've been trying to wait to post until I have some news but right now it seems like a waiting game. The job I applied for is being slow about hiring so I guess I'll just wait and see. I'm also trying to keep my options open, and planning on doing some more searching this week. I just want to work, help others, and be productive. I know it will happen, and it will probably be a great job! I've had a good feeling lately. Now to do some more searches and make some more contacts this week! I hope everyone has been enjoying this weather, it's been beautiful. 
The past couple of weeks have been interesting while volunteering. It's been some interesting calls coming in but not necessarily intended for the particular organization. I'm still very much enjoying my time there though and looking forward to a similar career. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Getting closer...

First things first, I got my diploma! It's huge, but I finally got it!! Yah! :) It came over the weekend and needless to say I'm excited.

Next, I set up an interview for Thursday morning. It's for a legal secretary position, so I'm spending the next couple of days preparing for it. It's not an advocate job but it's in the legal field, and I think I will enjoy it. Hopefully this will further prepare me for another job. I'm nervous about this interview and would appreciate prayers for Thursday morning, that I will be prepared and that my nerves will be calmed. Also, that I will be shown, or know, if this is the right job for me.
Lastly, I would also like to ask for some prayers for an unspoken situation that will be going on at the same time as my interview. I want to say thanks for all of the encouraging words and prayers that everyone has given me. It is greatly appreciated. Some good news this week (well I guess it will be next week before I hear back) would be great :) Will update soon and let you know how it all goes.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Just a reminder...

This post is going to need some additional information to understand. My grandma passed away about a year and a half ago, and I miss her terribly. She was one who sent cards for every occasion and it was always  nice to get them. Well back at the end of December, a card I got from her was found and it had some money still in it. I was such a sweet surprise to find and I wanted to do something special with it. Over the weekend I decided what I wanted to do with it, and made a build a bear with it. You may think, Amy you're 26 years old what are you going to do with a stuffed bear? I happen to love stuffed animals and I wanted to do something that would be a good reminder of her for me. I got a white bear that is incredibly soft, and there was a teal colored shirt that had a hummingbird and flower on it. I remember Mamaw wearing a lot of teal, and I always thought it looked good on her, and she loved hummingbirds. She always had her feed out there for them. I have encountered a couple of hummingbirds within the last year and cannot help but think of her. I think it is the best way to have a constant reminder of her, and can keep it with me always. Whenever I want talk to her or hug her I now can. :) Francey