Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Getting comfortable...

The more I'm volunteering the more comfortable I'm getting. I seemed to be forgetting things today but other than that, it has been very good lol. I forgot my jacket at the office today and had to turn around to go get it, and then I was leaving the store and left my keys in the buggy (which I didn't realize until I got to my car. When I went back the buggy was gone, I was worried someone grabbed the buggy with my keys in it and walking around the store (sigh). Thankfully the greeter (yes I was at Walmart) came back and said he'd just took the keys to customer service. Anyways, I am getting more of a chance to talk to people and I'm enjoying it. Today didn't go quite as planned but I'm looking forward to next week. This time volunteering is solidifying that this is what I want to do! Not necessarily this group of victims, but similar type of work. I can't wait to actually begin my career. Please continue to pray as I search for a job.

I also wanted to take the time to thank those supported Turner Syndrome Awareness month, I realize this was before I started my blog but I wanted to say thanks for those who possibly could be reading this blog. It was been a good month.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's another...

So this post is going to be on another topic. It seems ever since I was little I have been batting something (health wise). Every time I get something fixed or under control something else happens. If it's not one thing, it's another. I've been looking for alternatives methods and thought I would reach out on here. Lab work came back that I have slight hypothyroidism. I was given medication but since I'm not that far off the "balanced" range, I would like to try and get it under control through diet or another natural way. If anyone reading this has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

This week I was able to take more calls, and not just messages, which was neat. I also found out I will be getting more involved in the non-profit organization, which is exciting! Thanks for everyone's kind thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been trying to wait until I have something to post. I had a busy weekend with friends and hanging out with my "nephdogs" lol :). I was excited about an opportunity my sister in law suggested to me. I tried to get in touch with them yesterday but was unable to, so I completed the application and went over there today while I was out completing errands I wasn't able to do yesterday. I plan on attending the training for it in April, and I'm really looking forward to it. I think it will really help in my career, or it may be what I'm intended to do. Wish me luck! I also had an interview for another job today, so wish me luck that I hear back from them. Stay tuned for updates!! Thanks everyone for your support as I embark on this.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Now What...

I completed my degree, and now it's time to find a job. What exactly do you I want to do? Well I want to be a victim advocate! I want to help others in need and let them know their options/resources to have a better circumstance/life. I have enjoyed learning about the legal and court systems and want to be involved in that aspect too. It's a job I think I will really enjoy, and be good at. I have always had a heart for helping others, so why not incorporate that into a career. I've looked around and talked to people who work in the similar field and have started my journey volunteering at a non profit organization that helps specific victims. I went through some training and was really excited to get more involved. For some reason I became nervous on my first day to volunteer, and when I walked in I was a little overwhelmed. I arrived before the lady who was supposed to help me get started, and was asked questions I wasn't sure of the answer cause I just walked in for the first time. After I was shown the ropes I began feeling more comfortable. It actually seemed to be a relatively calm day, and meet some nice people. I did have a miscommunication when taking down a message but I resolved it the best I could. Looking forward to continuing with my involvement with this particular organization. Prayers would be greatly appreciated as I embark on this journey to my career.

Monday, February 13, 2012

and I can cry if I want to

It's my birthday! It feels weird to say to I'm 26, in some ways I feel a little younger and in some ways I feel older...but hopefully I'll catch up to my age lol. I enjoy hearing stories of when I was born and when I was younger. I was told even the night when I was born they knew I would be a fighter, and always seemed to have a stubborn streak haha. Recently I was talking to a young lady who has the same "disorder" as me, and she asked me how I told people that I had a "disorder". I told her I didn't tell many people, but she didn't understand why I didn't, so I told her that I didn't want people to think of me as someone who has a disorder so I chose not to tell many people. I have been blessed, and it has not affected me much through out my life. I'm thankful for my parents who have always told me I could do whatever I want to do, and encouraged me to do so. My parents taught me to always respect others and to kind to everyone (which has never been a problem), but stand up for what was right and not let people take advantage of me. I never quite understood, until recently, what that exactly meant to be taken advantage of. What I mean is that it never really bothered me when I was taken advantage of until recently. I'm sure it has to do with growing up and realizing how people are supposed to treat others. The past few years have definitely been learning experience.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

On Hold...

After my 3 years, and an associates degree I had to figure out what was next. The biology class I had taken I did pretty good, so I transferred to begin the new process. It was different, that's for sure...I had gone from a Christian based private school to a state school, and had to adjust to the shock. I was enjoying my classes and wanting to get into forensics. The more I was getting into my classes, the more I realized I wanted to actually wanted to be in the courtroom not the lab. I took some time off from school, which allowed me to spend a lot of time with my grandma and help take care of her. Looking back, I'm glad I was able to do that before she passed away in July 2010. I missed the deadline to go back to school that fall semester so I prepared myself to go back to school the spring of 2011 because I had promised my grandma I would go back and finish my degree. I wanted to work more with people than having to be stuck in a lab, and wanted a job where I could help people in need. I decided with a degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology, which I completed in December (2011). Now that I have caught you up to where I am today, I will share with you my journey in finding my career. Stay tuned to find out what I do with my degree.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What I want to be...

You know starting in middle school when everyone expects you to get serious about deciding what you want to be when you grow up? Taking all the career aptitude tests and everything. Well I never thought too much about it because I knew exactly what I wanted to do/be. I was going to be an elementary school teacher (2nd grade). So I graduated high school and went to a college/university that I felt had a good teaching program. I was excited to begin, as I had taken it upon myself to go back to my first grade teacher during my last semester in high school and volunteer my time with the students. But I later found out, after starting the classes and beginning my journey, that this wasn't what I wanted to do after all. So here I am, after 3 years of school, and I have no I idea what to do. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. 

to be continued...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Start

I have become addicted to reading blogs. Since I have enjoyed reading them I thought it would be fun to try it out for myself. I have yet to decide where this is going to go, as I do not consider myself a typical 25 (well in less than a week, 26) year old woman. So this will be basically my story, with random posts thrown in as an attempt to keep your interest. So here it goes...

PS I have a feeling the vast majority of who will read this (if anybody will) will be people who know me, but no matter well you know me there will be new stuff lol. Feel free to suggests things for me to talk about, or want to know about me.